Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday's!

I am going to start doing a blog about what I am thankful for every Thursday!  I realize that there is always something negative that one can say but not always easy to do with saying something positive, There is so much that we hear everyday of something wrong or something upsetting, but I want to do one post a week that can focus on everything good in my life. There is so much good in my life I feel like being sharing a piece of my sunshine each week...

Tonight I went downtown Poulsbo to get out there and meet some new friends and saw some of my closest friends tonight. I have to say I am so thankful for all the wonderful things that Kingstongirl has been bringing me. It just makes me smile. Then to top things off paying this forward with the Celebration Cake bags, ( we got 20 ) I can't wait to get my goal for all of them. 

Most importantly I am so thankful for my Mom. She is my mom but so much more then that. With our her in my life my heart would be empty. I don't take the time to say it all the time but my Mom is so wonderful, my best friend, rock. My Mom showed up and stayed to the last minute of the Girls night out.  Kept me company and is always so supportive. I know that not every family has the bond that my family and I have and that makes me sad because everyone should be as loved by their parents as I am and love their parents as much as I do. 

I am blessed to have the friends that I have.