Here are some tips I hope you find to be something that you enjoy maybe laugh a bit and maybe then book a great month away in a small little town to really learn the in's and out's of a different part of the world.
Best advice: For over seas travel.
- Say Hello, to all other travelers. You never know when you need help.
- Theft. Out of site, out of mind. Do not show people what you have. People steal what they can see. EXAMPLE: Walking around with a camera. Put it in a backpack.
- Always take a taxi, or bus, etc from bus station to hotel.
- Store you passport, travel check information in you e-mail box.
- Carry a Padlock, Place it on a door. Put eyelet screw on door if possible or when needed, use your own lock.
- Do not look rich, dress, jewelry, tourist clothes, expensive backpack.
- Take long pants on all bus rides.
- Take lots of pictures.
- Let me look at the mattress please.
- Do you have free water?
- Do you have free breakfast?
- Do you have hot water showers
- Do you heat with Electricity? Solar? Gas?
- Is the hot water 24 hours a day?
- Do you have the hasp, so I can put on my own lock?
- Are the showers free?
- Can I bring friend into the hotel, or my room?
- Do you have cable TV? HBO, Cinecanal?
- Do you have a book exchange?
- Do not drink beverages, other than water. $3
- Electric Hot Plate to cook, $2 Day
- Guidebook for rooms. $2 Day
- Water purification drops. $1 Day
- Take overnight bus. $1 Day
- Rent rooms in hotels with free water. $1 Day
- Travel, or share a room with a friend $1 Day
- Wash you own clothes .50
- Eat only 1 sit down meal a day and eat in market for the others.
- Stay for one month in each location and negotiate a price of room for 1/2 normal price.
- Teach English
- Waiter or Waitress
- Pick Fruit
- Cook food at hostel for a month
- Reception of desk.
- Massage Therapist
- Dive master
- Tour guide, or selling tours
- Graphic on computer. Trade for room
- Travel Agency.