Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day! ( the 5 ladies)

I am blessed with many wonderful women in my life.

My Grandma Mom = We didn't get to have the regular bond that most kids get with their Grandma. We started to get close about ten years ago. She makes me laugh and is easy going. Sometimes she tells me these wonderful stories of my Grandpa that past away when I was 5. I only remember a few things about him but sharing it with her makes me feel a connection to him, and for that I 'm very grateful. When she married this great guy Ed he become the grandpa we all needed. He became the man of the family that came in and took care of a broken family that was shattered at my grandpa's death. Now I have so much in common with my Grandma-Mom. We are close & its made me happier then I ever could have thought possible. She is a wonderful grandma that would give me anything if she could & she just makes me feel special & loved. I am glad I have been given this chance to be close. 

My Mother in Law Kris= We have had the regular mother in law / daughter in law relationship. It is wonderful that we have so many things in common. She is a craft queen. Can cook like no ones business, she has a creative side that is beyond any magazine on the stands. Her faith in what she believes in and her walk with God is one of the strongest I have ever had the pleasure to see.  Even with ups and downs she is my mother in law and the love she has for my husband and his Children. She is a wonderful Grandma to his boy's and there has been so many fun memories I have with her and Kris has shown and taught me so many things, The most fun I have with her is when the two of us go on a garage sale Saturday! It is truly something I look forward to doing. She is quilting now and I hope that I will be able to learn how to do that from her. I am thankful I have her in my life. 

My Grandma Aggie= What can I say about this wonderful women. She has been like the 2nd mom to me from the time I was born. I was lucky enough to be able to spend many nights with her growing up. She always loved me taking care of me the best way a grandma knows how. Still to this day when I am sick she makes me soup.  We talk many times a week on the phone and I look forward to the times when we get to visit in person. Always being a face in the crowd at anything I was ever a par of, concert, swim meets, grandparents day,  making all  my costumes for me to go trick or treating as. Even become like a grandma to most of my friends. I always loved it when she would watch me when my parents went out of town. Her and my Grandpa moved down the street when I was in the 4th grade and I couldn't have been more blessed, doing this was a big deal because of how much she loved her home on their farm in Kingston.  The one thing I have always wanted is to have "Nana" be proud of me & I think I have done that. I always hope she knows just how much she means to me & how much I love her. 

My Step-mother in law Karen= Karen married my father in law a while back and she has brought lots of joy and fun to our family. She really loves each of us kids so much. We don't have many memories or times we have spent together yet, but I do look forward to make new memories with her. When her and my father in law got married I was very touched that she asked me to stand up for her as her maid of honor.  There is one thing that her and I are alike and that is getting our family together and celebrating our family's milestones.  I am happy that now I have three new step nephews & two step sister in laws & two step brother in laws. It's fun to have more family.  

My Mommy= My Mom was my first friend, my best friend. I love her more then I can even put in to words. We are so close, I think its partly because she was so young when she had me and we kind of grew up together. Most of the time it was just me and mom because dad had to work.  She taught me how to be a travel loving girl.  My mom always put me and my dad first and every morning when I was growing up and going to school she got up and made me dinner, she knew I hated the bus so most of the time she drove me. She knew that growing up in the sticks was hard because their was nothing to do.  She didn't work until I was in highschool because she wanted to make sure someone was always home for me.  We had our share of ups and downs as most mothers and daughters do, but we have come through that and we are closer then most people are with their parents. She loves Chris and protects him and in most cases takes his side. :) She is the best thing I have in my life and I look forward to having our adult years spent full of wonderful times.  I love her she really is as corny as it sounds my bestfriend, my rock and the one constant thing in my life. 

These women all make me a better person and I am so much better because these women are a part of who I am today and who I want to become tomorrow. I love you all so much.
Happy mother's day.