I love Saturday's. Especially when Hubs is home, that isn't something that happens often but when it does it is the best day of the week. Not for any other reason but for the simple slow pace. I love the fact that nothing is on TV Saturday mornings (if you don't have kids.) I love that most of the Saturday's I sleep in and enjoy the sunshine creeping into my bedroom through the blinds. There is so much to love about Saturdays.....I love Morning breath..Cuddling…Bedhead…drool on the pillow from the deep sleep...Requests to scoot over…Laughing…letting the Fur Babies lay in bed with us where they snuzzle back to sleep until One of us ( mostly Hub's) Will walk and feed the Fur Babies and bring them back to bed and we are good for a few more hours of lazy sleep. Starting the day out with a diet coke and checking emails and facebook all the while still in bed.
When I do get out of bed there is the highly anticipated Breakfast, mostly Hub's will make me pancakes in a shape of Mickey Mouse because that is what my Dad use to do for me. I love that Hub's knows this and makes them for me because it makes me smile.
After breakfast is followed by the visit to many of the farmers markets, we start in Poulsbo, head up to Port Townsend and then end our time in Kingston. After shopping the markets, we bring the Fur babies and visit a beach on our way back home. We always try to go out to Hansville and let the dogs play on the beach in front of the store out there. They love walking on the beach and running into the waves, while they are playing I am in a hunt for beach glass.
When we get back home, Hub's mows the lawn and I clean the house, change the sheets, doing the laundry and getting all of the things that need to be done for the upcoming week. We both try to really hurry as fast as we can this way we can sit back and relax and enjoy eachother.
Relaxing we watch some movies…catch up on our recordings that we have on our Tivo, Now that the weather is nice again we sit by the firepit and we play in the garden's.We talk about what we think is important enough to talk about.
Spring is passing by so fast and we are now hurrying into the summer time. With that comes lots of fun things to do on Saturday. The busy time of the year. is here now, the sunshine makes it that much better. I have so many fun things to look forward to this summer... camping trips (we have 4 big ones planned), birthday parties,baby showers, weddings, Then next twilight movie coming out! My birthday, scrapbooking camp, Baseball games, 4th of July, BBQ's, swimming, laying in the sun. Trips to the beach. sleeping under the stars. I am so excited for this summer because I truly believe that its going to be one of the best summers I have had in a long time.
I love Saturday's when Hub's is off and not having to be running to work. These are the moments I get to steal from him. He makes me feel like a queen. I am truly madly and deeply in love with him. Saturday's spent with him is the icing on the cake. I just wish I had more.