First off let me just say that I am so sorry that I haven't been writing as much as I would like. The day's are just flying by. I have been so busy I always think that in the summer is when you have time to rest but that just isn't the case. In fact summer is when it gets hopping.
I had girlfriends and family over on Friday night
for a pre-birthday craft night
It was alot of fun and "Hubs" made lemon drops that were to die for!
SO that kept me busy that day then
yesterday I went and did a house cleaning job
( In case you are like me and have OCD this is a great sickness to have when you get a cleaning job)
I love cleaning I put my i pod in and go.
Today I am Nannying and as the little one sleeps I pick up and read or write my blog.
I can't explain to anyone how blessed I feel to have the chance to work for these people.
They are amazing. ( but I wouldn't think anything less for such great friends.)
This week coming up is going to be so busy.
All to prepare for the newest and next movie
I am 110% excited to go see it.
We are going to hang out at the local bar,
celebrate my b-day then walk up to the best movie theater in the world
The next day "Hub's"and I are going to get ready for a camping trip.
We are going to Kalaloch & Ruby beach
We are going with my Grandparents Nanna & Poppie & My Mom & Dad.
It is going to be alot of fun, we go every summer have from the time I was 5.
My Dad & his sisters went every year growing up and it is an amazing place.
& because I am a 14 year old girl trapped in almost 33 year olds body.......
We get to go to FORKS!!!!
at the same time......
Now you throw in the 4th of July weekend and we are even more busy!
So if I am MIA for a few days
Please don't hold it against me...cause this girl loves her follwers.
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