Saturday, July 24, 2010

31 Day Build A Better Blog Challenge - Day Three

31 Day Build A Better Blog Challenge - Day Three

Task - Promote A Blog Post

ProBlogger makes a great suggestion to promote specific blog posts instead of the blog as a whole. I do that on Twitter, Facebook,

I find that most of my traffic comes from Google Search or from comments I have left on other people's blogs. My most consistent followers have come from the SITS community. I also have just begun to spend more time on The BlogFrog. It's through SITS and BlogFrog that I learned about the #31DBBB. I also post on my other blog The Girl About Town.
A few things I want to try in the future...

* Blogging Directories
* Blog link up's
* More giveaways
* I want to do events and blog about them.
* Give more time to do Hotel Reviews and have them do contests to stay there after.
* Have a guest blogger and do a bunch of guest blogging.
*Go to blogher 2011 :)
* Host and put together a West Coast Seattle bloggers get together. ( any ladies that read this that would like to help leave me a comment)
* Do more Crafty stuff and link it to my esty store. :)

Here is the blog I would love for you to all check out!!!!!
These lovely ladies are what makes me happy about blogging they up lift me and make know that my blogging is great and people really read what I have to say!

the boston lady.
The Princess and the sweetpea.
The Daily Mom Diaries
This mom loves


Dawn Parsons Smith said...

What great ideas! I've just returned to blogging after a long absence (due to husband's illness) and you've really inspired me!

This Mom said...

Thanks for the mention, and for the kind comment you left for me!

I just tweeted about you, and I'll give you a little mention in a post as well. Good luck - you have a terrific blog!

Kate @ This Mom Loves

The Boston Lady said...

Hey girl!! How sweet, thanks so much!! Now go get yourself ready for some Don Draper and Mad Men!!

Tracy said...

Oh my gosh, thank you. My deepest apologies for not touching base way sooner.