Thursday, July 22, 2010

Friendly Friday! :)

If you are a blogger you know what The sits girls are and what they do to help fellow bloggers grown their following and meet new bloggers. Enter contests and just really work what you have to work with! The Secret is in the Sauce. For those of you who don't know about them, SITS is a group of more than 6,000 women bloggers dedicated to supporting one another by leaving COMMENTS. I joined a few weeks ago and I am super excited to make new friends everyday. Its so great to log on to blogger and see one more friend and a ton of comments. :)

I just love the fact that everyday there is someone that I only know through blogging and they are so sweet and uplifting. I feel like this is really working in the right direction to build other women up! You might think you have heard of these ladies.... well that is because these are the same lovely ladies who developed the awesome Bloggy Boot Camp

I follow these ladies on Facebook and receive their daily & weekly emails.  I have already began learning so much by,  read up on blog building techniques, content development, guest bloggers, and other fun features...beyond that though, I wasn't  getting the following I was looking for until joining the SIS group on here.....

So here's the Dish: SITS teamed up with a couple of other powerhouse blog sites to offer a 31 day challenge for bloggers. A new task is assigned daily - the goal of these tasks are to develop a successful blog. For some that might mean increase followers, create new content, learn about advertising. 
But for me...I want to continue to learn & grow.  To get to show all the adventures that I have the chance to discover. My goal is when I am at the end of this challenge, to have reached a much wider audience. So I can share my stories about the wonderful adventures I live out everyday! 

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