Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's time for gift giving. Check out my new friend!



Design It Chic said...

Hi there girl! Just looking through your blog and your post about adoption touched me so much! I have a huge heart for moms who are waiting to be united with their babies that probably haven't yet met. This is the most amazing act of love that one can do and I so applaud you for that! I found you from Thursday Friends and Giveaways and I'll follow you along now:)
Happy Thursday!

Frugal and Fun Mom said...

www.athomemoma.com a new follower fromthe blog hop and stopping by to say hi.

smashbravo said...

Following you back!
I LOVE, LOVE your blog! What a cute design and wonderful posts. I will be sure to come back often. Thanks so much for the follow, have an awesome day!