Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thankful Thursday!

There are so many things that I am thankful for this week.
BUT I will be talking about                
Date nights.
We ALL know life can get pretty crazy. We fall in love, get married and think we are going to live happily ever after.
Then comes the careers, meetings, yard work, laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning the house, bills, friends, illness, stress, ( kids for some of you)etc. 
We forget to slow down and count our blessings and focus on the person we decided to spend the rest of our lives with. We forget to continue dating our spouses.
Making our significant other a top priority.

I love and enjoy our date nights....
We do a lot of date nights in at the house!
We are going to do a cuddle and Netflex movie night tonight. 
We are going to join the 
Project 52 date nights.... 
we will keep you up on all of our  dates and ideas....

1 comment:

Lesa Antone said...


I am horrible about date night. My husband would love if I was better at making it a priority. Will have to come back often and check out your ideas and see if you can help spur me out of my slump!!

Your blog is gorgeous, by the way!!

I am following you from the mbc and would love to have your visit my page. Let me know if you would like to exchange buttons!!

When you get to my page, make sure you sign up for a FREE Gourmet candle drawing (no strings attached!!!)

I look forward to getting to know you!
