Sunday, May 16, 2010

Meet ME Monday! :)

I got these questions once again from My little life.

1. Take your night, girls night out, or night out alone?

This is easy for me.... A date night with Hub's it is my favorite thing to do. I am looking forward to celebrating our anniversary this week. We are going to hang out in Seattle, staying at the Inn at the Market. Going to see a movie and enjoy our time together. 

2. What is your dream job? If I had to pick right at this moment it would be writing for the paper and also doing these fun reviews! ;) 
If I could pick one that I would 110% drop everything and do right now? It would be to get an RV and travel the united states all the while being camp hosts. It would be the highlight of my life and I would end up righting a book about it. 

3. What is your favorite flower and why? Oh my favorite are lilacs. They were my great grandma's favorite and every year we would put it on her grave site while we cleaned around our families plot in the Kingston cemetery.  My whole life my Grandma Aggie has grown these and given them to me on May day. She loves them because my Great Grandma her mother in law loved them. 

4. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?

Wow...I would tell myself a lot....if I were to give myself just one little tid bit of information...I would tell myself not to stress out about love, he is waiting for you and you will meet him in a few years and he will be the love of your life. Not to worry about things so much, live a lot more because one day you wont have youth and health and right now you do so live life to the fullest! 

I would tell myself that your Mom is now your best friend and will always be your best friend. That even when you fight she loves you more then you will ever know. When you are about 32 this will hit you like a ton of bricks and you will have wasted so much time being a spoiled brat. 

5. If you won the lottery, what is the very first thing you would do?
I would tell Hub's to call in dead! Pay off all of our bills!! Buy or build our dream house. Take Hub's entire family to Disneyworld and then a Disney cruise. I would take my side of the family to Hawaii.  Then Chris and I would go travel. 

Have a wonderful week. I am going to be busy celebrating our 8th year of marriage......I am a blessed and very lucky girl! 

Link love week. Why Not its love week in this house! 
Mommy's sippy cup.
Luke I am your father. ( a Seattle Dad's blog)
the mombshelter.

So much to look forward to this week..

Sunday's are always bitter sweet. The end of the lazy days for the weekend. The Crunch time to the start of a new week. I have so much to do and look forward to this week. I have been married to my best friend for eight years this coming Thursday. It's been a crazy fun time being married to him. Today I am doing all the chores for the week. I re arranged our furniture and love the way it looks right now. I got two cute wing back chairs a few days ago at St Vinney's. I am turning into such a junker. I always have but its getting addicting. I have a lot to get done laundry, dishes, sheets, I would like to pre make a few dishes. My sister in law( Hub's brother's wife) Broke her foot last week and I would like to make them a few meals for their freezer for when and if she has to get pins put in her foot now. I feel so badly for her. She is a wonderful sister in law and her kids make me smile. Her husband has always made me feel like a part of the family and welcomed me with open arms. Hub's his brother and dad are three of the sweetest and most caring men I have ever met and I am so lucky they are family. So I will be getting things together and visiting her lots in the next few weeks. Cause I know what its like to be stuck at home and she would do the same thing for me.

I am re-decorating the back deck and hope that I can find a lot of things for it in the Free section of craigslist or get things from my friends that they no longer want or need. Hub's and I want to have a big BBQ and invite all our friends and family over for a little get together. I have been planning this for a long time in my head and now I can plan it on paper! Its my birthday coming up and I think that would be a good reason to get together. Even though hosting a BBQ is so much work and really the people putting it on don't truly enjoy it as much as one would like. I think its something that we should do. :)

One thing I really want to get done before the summer is the deck built on the back but there are so many other thing that need to happen first so I just have to make the best with what I got....I will post before and after pictures and see what you all think.  I can't wait to see what a little spray paint does for me with the chairs on the deck! :) I want a gazebo so bad it would be great to be able to bring my lap top and sit outside under the shade.

What are you doing this week? I want to meet some new bloggers so I am going to link some of the people "I want to get to know" on here leave a comment and hopefully get a few new friends. If you want to do it please link it back to me and then maybe I will be Lucky to have new "friends"

Here are some of the friends I want to meet!

The Pleasures of Home Making!

The princess and the sweetpea

the daily mom diaries

This week I am going to do three or more love links a day! :) Enjoy it.